Details for this torrent 

39 Hentai Games Collection[Revised Repacked KROKE 2004]
Games > PC
4.82 GB

+5 / -3 (+2)

Oct 25, 2004

I'm finally releasing 39 of my favourite Hentai PC-games. I've had this collection for years, and now I thougt I would share it! ^_^

All the games are checked and most of them (I think like 34 or so) are commented within the .EXE extractor. If the game doesent work on XP for example, you will find that information in the .EXE file.

There are a few japanese ones, but  those are named <gamename>(Japan), so you wont get screwed after installing...


Have fun!
(Seed with me, I have a slow Telia DSL so help out for once!)


skulle vara trevligt om nån seedade, ligger på 60% just nu.
sorry! jag försöker seeda så mycket jag kan, men jag ligger på ett sunkigt telia8000 adsl.
Väntar man på nåt gott , så är det bara härligt... :)
When I try to download bittorrent says permission denied. What should I do?
PS. I have been downloading for some time and turned off bittorrent a couple of times and didn't have problems starting again.
Haha, jag har ju redan hälften. xD
fan vilken stor grej ändå. jag trodde bara det var små spel men det kan det ju knappsat vara
Det va en fet fil.
Jag ska hjälpa till med seed.
Divi Dead does not have the WAV files. It crashes with an error. The error says, "cannot read wav file." Are the WAV files available somewhere?
behöver man nått speciellt program för att spela spelen? Än så länge är det bara Anime Poker Rei som har funkat (och den är utan ljud). Hjälp vore tacksamt.
När den har extractat så kommer texten:

Exception EAccessVoilation in module Immortal.Study.2.exe at 00001FA3. Access voilation at address 00403137. Read of address 656C6C67.

Nån som vet vad jag gör för fel? Hjälp vore tacksamt :)
Vad är det med filerna? Jag laddade ner 3 av spelen och när jag går in i mappen tar det en jävla halvtimme för filinfon att komma igång!
OK, det var min dator det var fel på.

Dom här spelen var bra, men ladda inte hem något mindre än 500 mb. DOR var helt hemskt, det värsta hentai-spel jag någonsin kört.
pls seed..
horkän dorkän blörken!1ö
is anyone can speak english... so is it good for me to download it
get me some seeders
How do you get Runaway City to run?
Sorry, didn't mean to post twice
How do you get True Love to work? The exe does nothing, even after I update the registry...
some of the games are infected (TR/Flashkiller.C) !!

be sure to run a virus scan and delete the bad files before you extract/install any.
if you dont have a virus scanner get
its completely free and never let me down ;)
How do I install and play Brave Soul, I've tried just using the install icon and it basicly just extracts the file into the dic. and when I press the game exe it gives an error.
sweet jebus, these go right into the collection :)
Great post!
I can't find crack for virgin roster. Anyone please help me. Please........
some probs with virgin roster. Ive downloaded about 70% of the torrent and it says that some game files are complete.. but while trying to install Virgin roster it says files are missing.. should I wait for the whole torrent beeing complete?
used to played some of those ;] sweet memories bout true love and season of sakura - theyre one of the finest ones!
fuckn cookies... :| sorry bout that...
Is there any way to get the h-games, that apparently do not work on XP, run without changing your OS?
how do i run the games? (virgin roster) is there sumthin else i have to download first to run the game?
crescendo (the 9xx MB file) doesnt have voice , there is a error message code 178 or so ...
anyone has an idea ?
Contain viruses!? Shit, what are you thinking?? I'm not downloading this, no way!!!
i cannot play akiko hard3...can anyone tell me y?

the tree maid game is censored and princess maker is not a hentai game
TheOri, shame on you! We are pirates here!

The best Anti-virus is NOD32, grab it and then crack it.

Great collection by the way.
How do i get Crescendo start ? :S cant found the mount image...
how do i get this file ive tried alot of things
hey can someone seed so i can continue my mindless banter
These are some great games - I've tried some of them like Divi Dead and Crescendo and they're fantastic interactive stories sort of on their own even without the hentai aspect.

I like hentai games not so much for the cartoon sex (that doesn't really do anything for me unless I'm in a really odd mood) but more for the writing and dialogue interactions and these are all great.

Please seed!
how can i download that?
This is porn. Put it in the porn map ffs
its looks like virus :(. so i just scan the files before opening them and then delete them and the im clean for virus? is it realy that simple?
anyway i have f-secure will that protect me from virus?
man how many games have the quality of sex villa?
Godammit >.< what kind of bad instruction did you give on the Crescendo install... I did everthing that is was told and is doesn't work still, please help me !
Funny (and a bit pervert) anime Green Green! Download now! :)
How do I use the .exe files? I really don't know.
seed.. plz :p
I'm gonna pissed if these 4.8 gigs don't work. I've been downloading for a week.
The best place to get these games is at There, you'll find more of these games. Not only that, some of the games there aren't as messed up. I recommend Crescendo.
Crescendo is realy good. (and not to mutch hentai in it either, more story)
And "Eniwa" I had the same problem but i tryed the game on a slower computer and it worked there.

Can't wait for shuffle fansub to be realise its close.
Shuffle is the best game there is and thats way thay have made the trouble of making a anime of it.
I don't have time to download them all, which ones do y'all think are the best?
where do i download this from?
I am downloading this many times but it gets download on 68kb instead of the real size . what shall I do?
My avast antivirus for windows xp 64 detected TROJAN HORSES while attempting to extract a program. I don't know if this is in error but take warning. VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS VIRUS
excuse can someone help me??? just new roud do i install this after downloading the file??there are .img, .ccd, .cue and do i install that???what program???thnx!!!
that is a file to fool the computer that you have the cd. daemon is a program that fools the computer that the file is actually a cd in a cd-drive..

did you get that? :)
ohh gee...stupid me...thnx TawnyT also i figured out that i can burn it with the use of Magic ISO...hehehe thnx so much!!!

aaaaaaaa,how to download it????????????
I dunno but if i'd download this i wouldn't admit it... LOL!
so to play the games, with a no-cd crack, u got to have daemon tools?
anime porno games?
jag sökte igenom spelen med avast och hittade runt 5 virus (som jag tog bort) men det står också att virgin roster.img, do you like horny bunnies 2.img, brave soul.img, chip.arc och crescendo.iso är "decompression bombs" och jag antar att det betyder att när man installerar så installerar det virus och jag jag vågar inte installera dem om jag inte vet säkert

Nogon som vet?
can anyone explain fully how do i install crescendo.. as i'm unable to do so.
thx yoiu very much. its hot and cool
hey guys, how to install the nocturnal illusion ??
i cant find the solution, please help me....
hey Guys i need instructions on how to install horny bunnies do i use a cd or something plz email me pls pls pls its i ould really like it if ya do ok pls pl spls :D
you sure guys that this torrent doesnt have virus????? my crappy computer is very vulnerable
I believe that Pro Lesring Ring Out has always come up with that kind of virus/trojan warning, however I do not believe it truly is malicious. In anycase if you are really scared just don't open that particular one.

No need to get hysterical about it brinebold...
brinebold at 2008-05-06 19:14 CET:


(because my post above doesn't quite stand out enough to be useful)

If this shit is a virus he fucking created a super virus... wat i mean is CALM de FUCK DOWN its fucking 4 GIGS
stop complaining, if your so worried about the supposed virus dont download the pro ringout portion, its fine btw, but if your worried, just leave it out, everything else scans clean with avast.
I don't want to sound like one of those pigs that wine, but could we get a few seeds please?
Which files are safe, exactly? What kind idiot ups a torrent full of viruses? Shit, I gotta give props for the ones that work, but it is really hard to scan files before uploading? AVG seems to work, but should I get more protection and D/L the virus ridden ones?
You will include distribution please
to get the older games working use DOSBOX
it emulates the req system
To HeyxYoux: virus can contain in an .exe file.
most of the hentai games out there iclude viruses as: Trojankill.PY, Backdorr.Bifroze, and thousends of more diffrent trojan, The viruses are so effective that the game might still work even if it include viruses, IM NOT saying that this torrent includes viruses, but im telling u to be at you're watch, by scanning BEFORE installing the game, cause the game does more damage if u install the game, then it can accses you're whole CPU,
remember SCAN before install
it's that simple!
Viruses? LOL ... there arent any viruses that are truly harmful... at most you will see some scipt kiddie "viruses".

I dont run with anti-virus programs, and I have havent had any infections for... years (sometimes I do scan (online scanners). Modified .exe's are most often reported as viruses, despite not being infected (read: cracked .exe's)
I'd like to point out that i downloaded this torrent a long long time ago, it is 100% virus free. Guaranteed
How does Love Hina work? I have these and tons more.
Oh thank the Kami! I've been trying to get "The Maid's Story" for over a year now! ARIGATOU ARIGATOU ARIGATOU!